Change-Id: I1730f99c08690138e9aa7aba54304fd7bc51491d
595 lines
17 KiB
595 lines
17 KiB
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <osl/thread.h>
#include <grid.hrc>
#include <cstdio>
#include <math.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <grid.hxx>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>
ResId SaneResId( sal_uInt32 );
* GridWindow
GridWindow::GridWindow(double* pXValues, double* pYValues, int nValues, Window* pParent, bool bCutValues )
: ModalDialog( pParent, SaneResId( GRID_DIALOG ) ),
m_aGridArea( 50, 15, 100, 100 ),
m_pXValues( pXValues ),
m_pOrigYValues( pYValues ),
m_nValues( nValues ),
m_pNewYValues( NULL ),
m_bCutValues( bCutValues ),
m_nDragIndex( 0xffffffff ),
m_aMarkerBitmap( Bitmap( SaneResId( GRID_DIALOG_HANDLE_BMP ) ), Color( 255, 255, 255 ) ),
m_aOKButton( this, SaneResId( GRID_DIALOG_OK_BTN ) ),
m_aCancelButton( this, SaneResId( GRID_DIALOG_CANCEL_BTN ) ),
m_aResetTypeBox( this, SaneResId( GRID_DIALOG_TYPE_BOX ) ),
m_aResetButton( this, SaneResId( GRID_DIALOG_RESET_BTN ) )
sal_uInt16 nPos = m_aResetTypeBox.InsertEntry( SaneResId( RESET_TYPE_LINEAR_ASCENDING ).toString() );
m_aResetTypeBox.SetEntryData( nPos, (void *)RESET_TYPE_LINEAR_ASCENDING );
nPos = m_aResetTypeBox.InsertEntry( SaneResId( RESET_TYPE_LINEAR_DESCENDING ).toString() );
m_aResetTypeBox.SetEntryData( nPos, (void *)RESET_TYPE_LINEAR_DESCENDING );
nPos = m_aResetTypeBox.InsertEntry( SaneResId( RESET_TYPE_RESET ).toString() );
m_aResetTypeBox.SetEntryData( nPos, (void *)RESET_TYPE_RESET );
nPos = m_aResetTypeBox.InsertEntry( SaneResId( RESET_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL ).toString() );
m_aResetTypeBox.SetEntryData( nPos, (void *)RESET_TYPE_EXPONENTIAL );
m_aResetTypeBox.SelectEntryPos( 0 );
m_aResetButton.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, GridWindow, ClickButtonHdl ) );
SetMapMode( MapMode( MAP_PIXEL ) );
Size aSize = GetOutputSizePixel();
Size aBtnSize = m_aOKButton.GetOutputSizePixel();
m_aGridArea.setWidth( aSize.Width() - aBtnSize.Width() - 80 );
m_aGridArea.setHeight( aSize.Height() - 40 );
if( m_pOrigYValues && m_nValues )
m_pNewYValues = new double[ m_nValues ];
memcpy( m_pNewYValues, m_pOrigYValues, sizeof( double ) * m_nValues );
setBoundings( 0, 0, 1023, 1023 );
// create left and right marker as first and last entry
m_BmOffX = sal_uInt16(m_aMarkerBitmap.GetSizePixel().Width() >> 1);
m_BmOffY = sal_uInt16(m_aMarkerBitmap.GetSizePixel().Height() >> 1);
m_aHandles.push_back(impHandle(transform(findMinX(), findMinY()), m_BmOffX, m_BmOffY));
m_aHandles.push_back(impHandle(transform(findMaxX(), findMaxY()), m_BmOffX, m_BmOffY));
delete [] m_pNewYValues;
double GridWindow::findMinX()
if( ! m_pXValues )
return 0.0;
double fMin = m_pXValues[0];
for( int i = 1; i < m_nValues; i++ )
if( m_pXValues[ i ] < fMin )
fMin = m_pXValues[ i ];
return fMin;
double GridWindow::findMinY()
if( ! m_pNewYValues )
return 0.0;
double fMin = m_pNewYValues[0];
for( int i = 1; i < m_nValues; i++ )
if( m_pNewYValues[ i ] < fMin )
fMin = m_pNewYValues[ i ];
return fMin;
double GridWindow::findMaxX()
if( ! m_pXValues )
return 0.0;
double fMax = m_pXValues[0];
for( int i = 1; i < m_nValues; i++ )
if( m_pXValues[ i ] > fMax )
fMax = m_pXValues[ i ];
return fMax;
double GridWindow::findMaxY()
if( ! m_pNewYValues )
return 0.0;
double fMax = m_pNewYValues[0];
for( int i = 1; i < m_nValues; i++ )
if( m_pNewYValues[ i ] > fMax )
fMax = m_pNewYValues[ i ];
return fMax;
void GridWindow::computeExtremes()
if( m_nValues && m_pXValues && m_pOrigYValues )
m_fMaxX = m_fMinX = m_pXValues[0];
m_fMaxY = m_fMinY = m_pOrigYValues[0];
for( int i = 1; i < m_nValues; i++ )
if( m_pXValues[ i ] > m_fMaxX )
m_fMaxX = m_pXValues[ i ];
else if( m_pXValues[ i ] < m_fMinX )
m_fMinX = m_pXValues[ i ];
if( m_pOrigYValues[ i ] > m_fMaxY )
m_fMaxY = m_pOrigYValues[ i ];
else if( m_pOrigYValues[ i ] < m_fMinY )
m_fMinY = m_pOrigYValues[ i ];
setBoundings( m_fMinX, m_fMinY, m_fMaxX, m_fMaxY );
Point GridWindow::transform( double x, double y )
Point aRet;
aRet.X() = (long)( ( x - m_fMinX ) *
(double)m_aGridArea.GetWidth() / ( m_fMaxX - m_fMinX )
+ m_aGridArea.Left() );
aRet.Y() = (long)(
m_aGridArea.Bottom() -
( y - m_fMinY ) *
(double)m_aGridArea.GetHeight() / ( m_fMaxY - m_fMinY ) );
return aRet;
void GridWindow::transform( const Point& rOriginal, double& x, double& y )
x = ( rOriginal.X() - m_aGridArea.Left() ) * (m_fMaxX - m_fMinX) / (double)m_aGridArea.GetWidth() + m_fMinX;
y = ( m_aGridArea.Bottom() - rOriginal.Y() ) * (m_fMaxY - m_fMinY) / (double)m_aGridArea.GetHeight() + m_fMinY;
void GridWindow::drawLine( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 )
DrawLine( transform( x1, y1 ), transform( x2, y2 ) );
void GridWindow::computeChunk( double fMin, double fMax, double& fChunkOut, double& fMinChunkOut )
// get a nice chunk size like 10, 100, 25 or such
fChunkOut = ( fMax - fMin ) / 6.0;
int logchunk = (int)std::log10( fChunkOut );
int nChunk = (int)( fChunkOut / std::exp( (double)(logchunk-1) * M_LN10 ) );
if( nChunk >= 75 )
nChunk = 100;
else if( nChunk >= 35 )
nChunk = 50;
else if ( nChunk > 20 )
nChunk = 25;
else if ( nChunk >= 13 )
nChunk = 20;
else if( nChunk > 5 )
nChunk = 10;
nChunk = 5;
fChunkOut = (double) nChunk * exp( (double)(logchunk-1) * M_LN10 );
// compute whole chunks fitting into fMin
nChunk = (int)( fMin / fChunkOut );
fMinChunkOut = (double)nChunk * fChunkOut;
while( fMinChunkOut < fMin )
fMinChunkOut += fChunkOut;
void GridWindow::computeNew()
if(2L == m_aHandles.size())
// special case: only left and right markers
double xleft, yleft;
double xright, yright;
transform(m_aHandles[0L].maPos, xleft, yleft);
transform(m_aHandles[1L].maPos, xright, yright );
double factor = (yright-yleft)/(xright-xleft);
for( int i = 0; i < m_nValues; i++ )
m_pNewYValues[ i ] = yleft + ( m_pXValues[ i ] - xleft )*factor;
// sort markers
std::sort(m_aHandles.begin(), m_aHandles.end());
const int nSorted = m_aHandles.size();
int i;
// get node arrays
boost::scoped_array<double> nodex(new double[ nSorted ]);
boost::scoped_array<double> nodey(new double[ nSorted ]);
for( i = 0L; i < nSorted; i++ )
transform( m_aHandles[i].maPos, nodex[ i ], nodey[ i ] );
for( i = 0; i < m_nValues; i++ )
double x = m_pXValues[ i ];
m_pNewYValues[ i ] = interpolate( x, nodex.get(), nodey.get(), nSorted );
if( m_bCutValues )
if( m_pNewYValues[ i ] > m_fMaxY )
m_pNewYValues[ i ] = m_fMaxY;
else if( m_pNewYValues[ i ] < m_fMinY )
m_pNewYValues[ i ] = m_fMinY;
double GridWindow::interpolate(
double x,
double* pNodeX,
double* pNodeY,
int nNodes )
// compute Lagrange interpolation
double ret = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
double sum = pNodeY[ i ];
for( int n = 0; n < nNodes; n++ )
if( n != i )
sum *= x - pNodeX[ n ];
sum /= pNodeX[ i ] - pNodeX[ n ];
ret += sum;
return ret;
void GridWindow::setBoundings( double fMinX, double fMinY, double fMaxX, double fMaxY )
m_fMinX = fMinX;
m_fMinY = fMinY;
m_fMaxX = fMaxX;
m_fMaxY = fMaxY;
computeChunk( m_fMinX, m_fMaxX, m_fChunkX, m_fMinChunkX );
computeChunk( m_fMinY, m_fMaxY, m_fChunkY, m_fMinChunkY );
void GridWindow::drawGrid()
char pBuf[256];
SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
// draw vertical lines
for( double fX = m_fMinChunkX; fX < m_fMaxX; fX += m_fChunkX )
drawLine( fX, m_fMinY, fX, m_fMaxY );
// draw tickmarks
Point aPt = transform( fX, m_fMinY );
std::sprintf( pBuf, "%g", fX );
OUString aMark( pBuf, strlen(pBuf), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() );
Size aTextSize( GetTextWidth( aMark ), GetTextHeight() );
aPt.X() -= aTextSize.Width()/2;
aPt.Y() += aTextSize.Height()/2;
DrawText( aPt, aMark );
// draw horizontal lines
for( double fY = m_fMinChunkY; fY < m_fMaxY; fY += m_fChunkY )
drawLine( m_fMinX, fY, m_fMaxX, fY );
// draw tickmarks
Point aPt = transform( m_fMinX, fY );
std::sprintf( pBuf, "%g", fY );
OUString aMark( pBuf, strlen(pBuf), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() );
Size aTextSize( GetTextWidth( aMark ), GetTextHeight() );
aPt.X() -= aTextSize.Width() + 2;
aPt.Y() -= aTextSize.Height()/2;
DrawText( aPt, aMark );
// draw boundings
drawLine( m_fMinX, m_fMinY, m_fMaxX, m_fMinY );
drawLine( m_fMinX, m_fMaxY, m_fMaxX, m_fMaxY );
drawLine( m_fMinX, m_fMinY, m_fMinX, m_fMaxY );
drawLine( m_fMaxX, m_fMinY, m_fMaxX, m_fMaxY );
void GridWindow::drawOriginal()
if( m_nValues && m_pXValues && m_pOrigYValues )
SetLineColor( Color( COL_RED ) );
for( int i = 0; i < m_nValues-1; i++ )
drawLine( m_pXValues[ i ], m_pOrigYValues[ i ],
m_pXValues[ i+1 ], m_pOrigYValues[ i+1 ] );
void GridWindow::drawNew()
if( m_nValues && m_pXValues && m_pNewYValues )
SetLineColor( Color( COL_YELLOW ) );
for( int i = 0; i < m_nValues-1; i++ )
drawLine( m_pXValues[ i ], m_pNewYValues[ i ],
m_pXValues[ i+1 ], m_pNewYValues[ i+1 ] );
void GridWindow::drawHandles()
for(sal_uInt32 i(0L); i < m_aHandles.size(); i++)
m_aHandles[i].draw(*this, m_aMarkerBitmap);
void GridWindow::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect )
ModalDialog::Paint( rRect );
void GridWindow::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rEvt )
if( rEvt.GetButtons() == MOUSE_LEFT && m_nDragIndex != 0xffffffff )
Point aPoint( rEvt.GetPosPixel() );
if( m_nDragIndex == 0L || m_nDragIndex == m_aHandles.size() - 1L)
aPoint.X() = m_aHandles[m_nDragIndex].maPos.X();
if(aPoint.X() < m_aGridArea.Left())
aPoint.X() = m_aGridArea.Left();
else if(aPoint.X() > m_aGridArea.Right())
aPoint.X() = m_aGridArea.Right();
if( aPoint.Y() < m_aGridArea.Top() )
aPoint.Y() = m_aGridArea.Top();
else if( aPoint.Y() > m_aGridArea.Bottom() )
aPoint.Y() = m_aGridArea.Bottom();
if( aPoint != m_aHandles[m_nDragIndex].maPos )
m_aHandles[m_nDragIndex].maPos = aPoint;
Invalidate( m_aGridArea );
ModalDialog::MouseMove( rEvt );
void GridWindow::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rEvt )
if( rEvt.GetButtons() == MOUSE_LEFT )
if( m_nDragIndex != 0xffffffff )
m_nDragIndex = 0xffffffff;
Invalidate( m_aGridArea );
Paint( m_aGridArea );
ModalDialog::MouseButtonUp( rEvt );
void GridWindow::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rEvt )
Point aPoint( rEvt.GetPosPixel() );
sal_uInt32 nMarkerIndex = 0xffffffff;
for(sal_uInt32 a(0L); nMarkerIndex == 0xffffffff && a < m_aHandles.size(); a++)
if(m_aHandles[a].isHit(*this, aPoint))
nMarkerIndex = a;
if( rEvt.GetButtons() == MOUSE_LEFT )
// user wants to drag a button
if( nMarkerIndex != 0xffffffff )
m_nDragIndex = nMarkerIndex;
else if( rEvt.GetButtons() == MOUSE_RIGHT )
// user wants to add/delete a button
if( nMarkerIndex != 0xffffffff )
if( nMarkerIndex != 0L && nMarkerIndex != m_aHandles.size() - 1L)
// delete marker under mouse
if( m_nDragIndex == nMarkerIndex )
m_nDragIndex = 0xffffffff;
m_aHandles.erase(m_aHandles.begin() + nMarkerIndex);
m_BmOffX = sal_uInt16(m_aMarkerBitmap.GetSizePixel().Width() >> 1);
m_BmOffY = sal_uInt16(m_aMarkerBitmap.GetSizePixel().Height() >> 1);
m_aHandles.push_back(impHandle(aPoint, m_BmOffX, m_BmOffY));
Invalidate( m_aGridArea );
Paint( m_aGridArea );
ModalDialog::MouseButtonDown( rEvt );
IMPL_LINK( GridWindow, ClickButtonHdl, Button*, pButton )
if( pButton == &m_aResetButton )
int nType = (int)(sal_IntPtr)m_aResetTypeBox.GetEntryData( m_aResetTypeBox.GetSelectEntryPos() );
switch( nType )
for( int i = 0; i < m_nValues; i++ )
m_pNewYValues[ i ] = m_fMinY + (m_fMaxY-m_fMinY)/(m_fMaxX-m_fMinX)*(m_pXValues[i]-m_fMinX);
for( int i = 0; i < m_nValues; i++ )
m_pNewYValues[ i ] = m_fMaxY - (m_fMaxY-m_fMinY)/(m_fMaxX-m_fMinX)*(m_pXValues[i]-m_fMinX);
if( m_pOrigYValues && m_pNewYValues && m_nValues )
memcpy( m_pNewYValues, m_pOrigYValues, m_nValues*sizeof(double) );
for( int i = 0; i < m_nValues; i++ )
m_pNewYValues[ i ] = m_fMinY + (m_fMaxY-m_fMinY)*(std::exp((m_pXValues[i]-m_fMinX)/(m_fMaxX-m_fMinX))-1.0)/(M_E-1.0);
if (m_pNewYValues)
for(sal_uInt32 i(0L); i < m_aHandles.size(); i++)
// find nearest xvalue
double x, y;
transform( m_aHandles[i].maPos, x, y );
int nIndex = 0;
double delta = std::fabs( x-m_pXValues[0] );
for( int n = 1; n < m_nValues; n++ )
if( delta > std::fabs( x - m_pXValues[ n ] ) )
delta = std::fabs( x - m_pXValues[ n ] );
nIndex = n;
if( 0 == i )
m_aHandles[i].maPos = transform( m_fMinX, m_pNewYValues[ nIndex ] );
else if( m_aHandles.size() - 1L == i )
m_aHandles[i].maPos = transform( m_fMaxX, m_pNewYValues[ nIndex ] );
m_aHandles[i].maPos = transform( m_pXValues[ nIndex ], m_pNewYValues[ nIndex ] );
Invalidate( m_aGridArea );
return 0;
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