This is 'libreoffice-3-3' - the stable branch for the 3.3.x releases.
Only safe changes, reviewed by anoter person are allowed.
If you want to build something cool, unstable, and risky, use master.
This is 'libreoffice-3-3-0' - the stable branch for the 3.3.0 release.
Only very safe changes, reviewed by three people are allowed.
If you want to commit more complicated fix for the next 3.3.x release,
please use the 'libreoffice-3-3' branch.
If you want to build something cool, unstable, and risky, use master.
- fix for Acrobat Reader (bad layout with non-canonical glyph of cursive
ligature ffj), the bug was reported by bolond from
- NEWS.pdf, doc/NEWS.odt
- feature cpsp: capital spacing
- feature sa01..sa99: single items of feature salt, suggested by Kim Bastin.
- extended uppercase feature (caps=2):
- default feature "case" (normalized parenthesis and digits)
- default feature "cpsp" (capital kerning)
- new cursive glyph "gj" as default ligature
- new cursive glyph "gy" as default ligature in Hungarian texts
- modified and extended feature dlig:
- cursive ligature ch, ck, tz are default only in German
- added ligated ligature ij for Dutch, also handling a few exceptions (bijoux, bijectie)
- fix for Linux Libertin G Italic:
- ch and ck are default ligatures only for German
- Fixes for Dutch:
- Casing of letter IJ
- Limited ligature fi for words containing "fij",
with short f usage for prettier layout
- default J.alt in Italics
- Caps fix for Qu
- short f for fi, ffi, fj, ffj, when liga=0
- kerning fixes:
- guillemets, bad kerning with feature fbsp reported by Joachim Köstler
- cursive ffj
- proportional old figures after slash
Signed-off-by: Kalman Szalai - KAMI <>
+ backported two fixes from newer python:
+ close the file even if an exception occurs (py#5536)
+ urllib doesn't correct server returned urls (py#918368)
+ thanks karolus <karlooforum at arcor dot de> for analyzing and suggesting
the fix
* Remove binary (zip) files from source
* Adding pure thesaurus data files
* Remove thesaurus index files
* Generating thesaurus index files during dictionary build
Make boostthreadlib depend on PREDELIVER_FLAG_FILE, otherwise
the whole include path goodness is not working (i.e. first do the
predeliver to wntmsci12/inc, then build thread lib)
Normal libreoffice way to add a file is to put that in into ADDITIONAL_FILES list
which creates a file with "dummy" as content and then to patch that file with the real content.
This prevents a patching hell if timestamps change and boost is unpacked again